For questions and wholesale inquiries-


High & Lonely can be found at these fine retail establishments:


Creature Consignment

415 15th Ave. E

Seattle WA 98203


 Petrikor - The Modern General Store

2816 Rucker Ave. 

Everett WA 98201


Short Wave 

255 14th St.

Astoria, OR 97103


 Shop Lyko Slow Goods

7413 North Lombard Street

Portland OR 97203


Barn Owl Vintage

6012 12th ave S

Seattle WA 98108


Omni Zakka Shop

41 S 3rd Street

Philadelphia PA 19106


Save Khaki United

44 Greenwich Ave

  New York, NY 10011



        65 North Beach Road

        Eastsound, WA 98245


 Dig It Gardens

3015 N. 16th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85016


Vaux Vintage

421 Graham Avenue

Brooklyn NY 11211



8850 Washington Blvd. 101

Culver City CA 90232